Throwback Thursdays: Ashley Steed

Posted on: March 27, 2014Pittsburgh

Your name and year you served:

Ashley Steed 2012-2013

What are you up to now?

I am currently working as an In-Person Assister for the Affordable Care Act.

Did your AmeriCorps experience have any influence on what you are doing today?

Absolutely! During my time serving, I compiled information about the Affordable Care Act to share with people with Multiple Sclerosis. When I was interviewed for this position as an In-Person Assister, not only were my employers happy that I was knowledgable about the reform, but they also made a point to acknowledge my year with AmeriCorps. They liked that I had this experience, and it gave me a lot to talk about during the interview.

In 3 words, describe your AmeriCorps service year!

What a journey!

What was your most memorable AmeriCorps moment?

Looking back now, my fond memories are of being together with the other PHC members and being inspired by their ambitious nature and will to make positive impacts in the communities they serve.

What advice would you give current members as they plan for their "life after AmeriCorps?" 

Do not be hard on yourself. Keep an open mind and trust that each experience is leading you towards a better future.

Your favorite quote about service:

" I'm in the business of loving the hell out of people." - Mother Waddles