Sofia's Navigation Experience

Posted on: March 10, 2015Chicago


This post is written by Sofia Chernet.

Sofia serves as a Breast Cancer Screening Navigator and Quality Coordinator at Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force.


At the Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force, I increase access to care by providing services through the following programs: Beyond October (BYO) and Beyond Enrollment (BE). For BYO, I serve as a Breast Cancer Screening Navigator in order to connect uninsured & under-insured women to free screening mammograms. Through phone, email, and mail correspondence, I inform women of the available breast health services that are not well known throughout Metropolitan Chicago. I enjoy working with partner organizations to ensure that if an uninsured woman needs additional imaging, she can obtain the diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy through the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP). After completing their mammograms, my BYO clients show great appreciation of the Task Force's services and my sincere concern for their breast health.

My most memorable day of service occurred when a BYO client thanked me for my assistance because no one had cared for her health as much as I had. Her words motivated me to continue contacting many uninsured women throughout Metropolitan Chicago so that they can utilize our free preventive health services.

In addition to helping women obtain mammograms, I assist uninsured women & men with enrolling in private health insurance via the Marketplace or public health coverage via the Application for Benefits Eligibility. For BE, I serve as the Task Force's sole Certified Application Counselor (CAC). Often times, clients are surprised by the lengthy application process. They always complete the application with great effort and respect of my time & assistance. I truly appreciate working with BE and BYO clients because they unknowingly teach me about the inequalities in our nation's healthcare system. From my navigation experiences, I have realized the exigency of increasing health literacy, insurance enrollment, and the accessibility and utilization of healthcare services.