My Sexual Health Impact: Packing Condoms

Posted on: April 29, 2014Chicago

This post was written by CHC member Alisha White.

Series: Sexual Health

Alisha serves at the American Cancer Society as a Health Educator.



I have to admit that sexual health and its impact is not a hot topic at the American Cancer Society, my host site. It is also not a part of my colon cancer screening education presentation that I do as a health educator. Nonetheless, I realize that sexual health and its impact has a tremendous effect on how we live our lives.


Recently, at our AmeriCorps retreat we had the option of making condom packets for the Chicago Black Gay Men’s Caucus as a service project. As I was sitting there making condom packets, I started to think about how sex and the phrase “sexual health” has changed over the years. I can remember a time when young people did not talk about sex freely at school or maybe even at home. Today, it seems not to be as big of an issue.  The impact that education and awareness has played on sexual health has changed the way society thinks and talks about sex.


I believe that when we set out to make an impact we are doing it to change something—whether it’s good or bad. We can make that choice. Packing condoms at a retreat was definitely a great way to impact sexual health. It was my something for a great cause. So, take a moment and think about different ways that you can get involved in your local community to bring awareness or educate others on the importance of sexual health. Make that impact!