What is a Host Site or Outside Service Partner?
NHC partners with organizations in its service communities as host sites and outside service partners. NHC members serve at host sites on a full-time schedule (36-40 hours/week) for an entire service term and fulfill an established service position that adds unique value to the host site organization.
NHC members serve with outside service partners intermittently upon request, and can help with a variety of one-time, short-term, or medium-term volunteer needs. Outside service typically takes place on the weekends, or occasionally on weekday evenings. NHC is seeking new outside service partners where members can contribute to strengthening their communities through additional volunteer hours.
Organizations interested in becoming an NHC host site or outside service partner should contact the NHC program in their area to learn more. You can also learn more about the kinds of things NHC members can do by browsing the Open Member Positions, and see which organizations are already partnering with NHC by viewing our Host Sites page. NHC is always excited to explore new opportunities for members - your ideas are encouraged!

National Health Corps: Community Health Fellowship Host Site Information Session
Does your organization want to be a part of shaping the next generation of public health leaders?
The National Health Corps Community Health Fellowship is seeking host site partners to help us provide hands-on opportunities for our dedicated members to make a real difference in their communities.
Join Us for the National Health Corps Community Health Fellowship Host Site Information Session!
January 28th from 12:30pm-1:30pm EST
Click the link to Join us on Zoom
Host Site Requirements
- Host sites should be excited about guiding and supporting NHC members in doing meaningful activities that add value for the host site and its community members.
- Host sites must apply for a member to serve at their organization and must create position descriptions for members that describe the member’s planned activities. NHC staff can help you with this!
- Host sites are required to make a financial contribution to support the member’s living stipend and operational costs of the program. NHC funding heavily supplements this contribution.
- Host sites must complete the reporting and administrative requirements of the program. These include conducting member performance reviews, approving member timesheets, and participating in site visits with NHC staff.

Outside Service Partner Benefits
- Receive volunteer support for one-time or shorter term projects, or build a longer-term relationship with the NHC program in your area to see if NHC can help with larger projects. NHC members are always looking for new opportunities to serve in their communities!
- Get to know what NHC members can do to see if becoming an NHC host site is right for your organization.
Outside Service Partner Requirements
- Provide any training necessary for NHC members to complete the service activity at your organization.
- Sign documentation verifying the NHC members' participation in the service activity.